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(新人教版)2019高中基础练能力练单元过关检测卷二必修1(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小399 K
  • 更新时间2019/8/3 13:48:00
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 While I was in hospital for back surgery (手术) recently I was looked after by a nurse called Deitrich. She worked the __41__ shifts (轮班) and took very good care of me.
      One night things were __42__ and when Deitrich came in to take my blood pressure we started to talk about our family situation. Then she asked what I enjoyed doing most. I __43__ that I liked helping people and doing __44__ work. Deitrich said she thought she would __45__ doing that kind of thing too, perhaps with her church.
      The day I was discharged (出院) we __46__ and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. In __47__ I gave her a smile card and ten dollars. She didn't want the __48__ but I told her to read the card and __49__ her the money was from my heart. Now you have the __50__ to do something for yourself or make a(n) __51__ for someone else,” I said. She paused and __52__ the offer in the end. We hugged and she told me she __53__ give the money to a woman she knew from __54__ who was having medical problems.
      Deitrich gladly thanked me for my __55__ and with that ten dollars bought five lottery tickets in her church's name. As __56__ would have it one of the tickets won a hundred and fifty dollars which she __57__ to the church's food pantry. She __58__ me a week later and told me what had happened. She __59__ asked if I had my more smile cards! The people in her church all __60__ one!
     God bless Deitrich and her church and all the people who want to make a difference for the better in this world!
41A.day                       Bmorning
    Cnight                      Dafternoon
答案:C 根据下段中的“One night ... when Deitrich came in to take my blood pressure”可知,这名护士值夜班。
42A.quiet                     Bnoisy
    Cterrible                   Dlost
答案:A 由文章内容和常识可知,在这名护士上夜班的时候,医院里的一切都很安静,所以才能聊天,其他选项不符合语境。
43A.supposed                  Breplied
    Cexpected                   Dintended
答案:B 由上文的“Then she asked”可知,此处是指“我”做出回答。
44A.house                     Boffice
    Cwriting                    Dcharity
答案:D 联系空格前的“I liked helping people”可知,“我”喜欢做慈善工作。
45A.enjoy                      Bcontinue
    Cstop                       Dremember
答案:A 从空格后的“doing that kind of thing too”可以推断,她也喜欢做慈善工作。
46A.parted                     Bwalked
    Ccried                       Dwaved
答案:C 联系语境可知,临别时,她和“我”流下了依依不舍的眼泪,她给了“我”一个亲吻。
47A.fact                      Breturn
    Cbrief                     Dtotal
答案B 从空格后的I gave her a smile card and ten dollars可知她给了亲吻作为回报,“给了她一张笑脸卡和十美元。in fact “事实上”;in brief “总之”;in total “总共”,均不符合语境。
48A.card                       Bpay
    Cfeeling                     Dmoney
答案:D 联系下文的“the money was from my heart”可知,最初她是不想接受这十美元的。
49A.assured                    Basked
    Cdemanded                 Dadvised
答案:A 联系下文可知,她接受了这钱,原因是“我”让她确信这钱是“我”发自内心给她的。
50A.choice                    Btime
    Cpower                     Ddecision
答案:C 联系空格后的“to do something for yourself or ... for someone else”可知,在“我”给了她十美元后,她就有能力去为自己和他人做一些事情了。power在这里指“能力”。
51A.profit                      Bdifference
    Cappointment               Dtrip
答案:B 有了这些钱她就可以为他人做些事情了。make a difference “产生影响;起作用”,符合语境。最后一段也有提示。
52A.refused                    Bgave
    Cmissed                     Daccepted
答案:D 从下文可知,她接受了这笔钱。
53A.would                     Bshould
    Cmust                      Dcan
答案:A 从空格后的“give the money to a woman”可知,她在讲述对这笔钱的打算,因此用would表达“将来的打算”。
54A.church                    Bchildhood
    Ccountryside                Dwork
答案:A 从上文“perhaps with her church”可知,她想要帮助教堂的人。
55A.help                       Bcare
    Csupport                    Dkindness
答案:D 她对“我”的好心表达了感谢。由上文可知,作者给她卡片和钱完全是出于好意。help“帮助”;care “关心,关爱”;support “支持”,均与语境描述的不符。
56A.words                     Bluck
    Cwishes                     Dchances
答案:B 从下文“one of the tickets won a hundred and fifty dollars”可知,她的运气让她买彩票时中了奖。
57A.lent                      Bdelivered
    Cdonated                    Dpassed
答案:C 联系上文她要帮助教堂的人以及空格后的“to the church's food pantry”可知,她把得到的钱都捐献给了教堂。
58A.called                    Bleft
    Casked                      Dinformed
答案:A 联系空格后的“and told me what had happened”可知,一周后她给“我”打电话了。inform “通知”,与空格后的told重复,故排除。
59A.ever                       Btherefore
    Conce                       Dalso
答案:D 本空所在句与前面的句子是并列关系。她不仅告诉了“我”她中奖的情况,也向“我”要微笑卡。
60A.received                   Bwanted
    Ckept                      Dsaw
答案:B 联系上文“asked if I had any more smile cards”可以推断出,他们教堂的人都想拥有一张微笑卡。
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