I want to share with you a story from my life.There was a time when I used to be __1__ constantly for whom I was and what I did, said, and thought.I was __2__ deeply.I had no one to share what I was feeling with, no one who could __3__ what I was going through and no help at all to get away from those __4__ remarks.And I was also very __5__.Many times I was too scared to speak up and on the few occasions I found the __6__ to do so, things didn’t end very well at all.
The point is this: all that __7__ and anger inside of me became __8__, which I used to take out on the court (I used to play badminton).And those days people often wondered how I played so __9__.
I didn’t know it at the time __10__ deep down inside of me I had already decided to do my best to create a life where I __11__ the rules.
And because of that __12__, today I have created for myself a wonderful life.Thanks to the suffering, I was able to __13__ more than I could ever imagine.Thanks to people __14__ and not believing in me, I got the drive to prove them __15__.
What I’m trying to say is that I don’t see suffering as all that bad.If we learn how to __16__ our suffering in a way that can break us free I believe we can find our way to __17__.
I don’t think there is any __18__ in suffering.Instead, we should be proud of all that we have gone through.We still stand strong.And the __19__ we carry from our sufferings, we wear as a badge of __20__.My suffering is my greatest source of power.
Suffering is a part of life and the sooner we can accept that, the closer we will be to experiencing what happiness truly means.