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(新人教版)2019年高中Unit3Computers单元加餐练必修2(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小277 K
  • 更新时间2019/8/1 20:28:45
    下载统计今日0 总计6
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In the middle of town lived an old man. One day he __1__ his watch in his own store. It was __2__ to him because it was from his wife. After searching __3__ in the store for a long while, he __4__ to ask for help from a group of children playing outside the store. He __5__ them that the person who found it would be rewarded. __6__ this, the children hurried inside the store, went through and around the __7__ store, but still could not find the watch.
Soon the man felt hopeless and wanted to __8__. A little boy went up to him and asked for another __9__. The man looked at him and thought, Why not? __10__ this kid looks sincere enough. __11__ the man sent him back in the store. After a while the boy __12__ with the watch in his hand! The man was very __13__ and he asked the boy how he found it while the others had __14__. The boy replied, I did nothing but sat on the ground and __15__. Then I heard the ticking (滴答声) of the watch and just looked for it in that __16__.
We usually think about our own needs, which can't bring peace into our mind. __17__ we need to think about ourselves and keep peaceful for a while, which can produce a __18__ result. So allow a few minutes of __19__ to your mind every day, and see how it helps you deal with your work and make __20__ as you expect to!
1A.lost                            Bbroke
Chid                                                    Dfixed
解析:选A 由该段的“searching, found, still could not find the watch可知,他把表弄“丢(lost)了。
2A.close                                             Bstrange
Csimilar                                               Dimportant
解析:选D 由该空后的“because it was from his wife可知,这块表对他来说非常“重要(important)
3A.young and old                                 Bheavy and light
Chigh and low                                      Dblack and white
解析:选C 这位老人在店里“上上下下(high and low)找了个遍。
4A.forgot                                           Bdecided
Cagreed                                               Dlearned
解析:选B 由下文孩子们进店找表的行为可知,他“决定(decided)让在店外玩耍的孩子们进来帮忙。
5A.warned                                           Btaught
Cworried                                              Dpromised
解析:选D 由该空后的“the person who found it would be rewarded可知,他向孩子们“承诺(promised):谁找到了表,就有奖赏。
6A.Hearing                                          BSeeing
CWearing                                             DFeeling
解析:选A “听到(Hearing)他的承诺,孩子们冲进了店里。
7A.big                                                 Bdirty
Cwhole                                                Dbusy
解析:选C 孩子们为了找到表,搜遍了“整个(whole)店。
8A.set off                                             Bgive up
Ccalm down                                         Dshow off
解析:选B 由该空前的“the man felt hopeless可知,他想要“放弃(give up)了。
9A.date                                                Breason
Cmeeting                                             Dchance
解析:选D 由下文的“the man sent him back in the store可知,一个小男孩请老人再给他一次“机会(chance)
10A.After all                                        BSo far
CAt first                                              DAs usual
解析:选A 由该空前后内容可知,这里是说:为什么不呢?“毕竟(After all)这个孩子看上去十分真诚。
11A.But                                               BOr
CSo                                                     DUnless
解析:选C 老人认为这个孩子真诚,因此又让他进了店,前后是因果关系,故填So
12A.ran away                                       Bcame out
Cfell down                                           Dwent back
解析:选B 由上文的“the man sent him back in the store可知,过了一会儿,小男孩手里握着表“出来(came out)了。
13A.angry                                            Bproud
Cnervous                                              Dsurprised
解析:选D 看到自己的表被找到了,这位老人十分“惊喜(surprised)
14A.failed                                            Bfinished
Cregretted                                            Ddoubted
解析:选A 由上文内容可知,其他孩子都没有找到表而这个小男孩成功了,故填failed
15A.played                                           Bwaited
Clistened                                              Dwatched
解析:选C 由该空后的“Then I heard the ticking (滴答声) of the watch可知,这个小男孩坐在地上开始仔细地“听(listened)
16A.station                                           Bdirection
Csituation                                             Ddarkness
解析:选B 听到手表的滴答声,然后朝着那个“方向(direction)找去。
17A.Luckily                                         BPossibly
CBesides                                              DInstead
解析:选D 我们往往只考虑自己的需求,这样就无法让我们的心平静下来。“相反(Instead),我们应该从自身的角度去想一想,这样才会带来“好的(good)结果。
18A.clear                                             Bgood
Cdirect                                                 Dnatural
解析:选B 参见上题解析。
19A.silence                                          Bexercise
Cpleasure                                             Dconversation
解析:选A 由上文的“keep peaceful for a while可知,这里是说给自己的大脑片刻“宁静(silence)
20A.noises                                           Bsense
Cprogress                                             Dmistakes
解析:选C 由该空前的“helps you deal with your work和该空后的“as you expect to可知,这里是说取得“进步(progress)
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