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(新人教版)2019年高中Unit2TheOlympicGames单元加餐练必修2(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2019/8/1 20:19:04
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Loneliness is a growing problem in the world today. People are asking the question How can I deal with loneliness?”
There are many reasons why people are lonely. A(n) __1__ of situation is one reason. For example, the death of a husband or wife causes extreme loneliness __2__ for people who live with their children.
Moving to a new place to live can __3__ cause loneliness. Many people have to move for a(n) __4__. They go to universities in other countries. They are __5__ their families and their culture. And this is a big __6__ of loneliness.
But maybe the worst reason to feel lonely is rejection (拒绝). For example, friends can become __7__. They may argue over something. Later, one friend may say sorry. But the other friend may __8__ the offer of peace. This kind of rejection __9__.
So, how can we __10__ these bad situations? First, experts __11__ that people should use their time wisely. During __12__ periods people should do whatever they can do to fight loneliness. Part of fighting loneliness is to try __13__ things. Some people join local interest groups. Other people learn new skills. This way they get out of the house __14__ they can be around other people.
When people are alone, they may start to __15__ too much. Experts suggest that people shouldn't think about their loneliness all the time. They will become __16__ if they only think about their problems.Thoughts like poor me make people unhappy.
Finally, lonely people can do something to __17__ other needy people. Showing __18__ to other people can be powerful. Then, they __19__ thinking about their own problems. Love is the cure (疗法) for loneliness. Instead of waiting to be loved, we need to __20__ love. Then we will receive a lot of love back.
1A.control                    Bchange
Cimprovement                                    Dfear
解析:选B 根据下一句举的例子“For example, the death of a husband or wife可知,处境的“变化(change)是导致人们感到孤独的原因之一。
2A.even                                               Bjust
Clater                                                 Dalready
解析:选A 根据该空后的“for people who live with their children可知,丧偶会使人感到孤独,“即便(even)是那些和自己的孩子一起居住的人也是如此。
3A.now                                              Bsoon
Conce                                                Dalso
解析:选D 第二段介绍了孤独的另一个原因,因此这里是说搬到一个新地方同样“也(also)会使人感到孤独。
4A.education                                     Bjob
Cinterview                                          Dtrip
解析:选A 根据下一句“They go to universities in other countries.可知,很多人出国去接受“教育(education)
5A.tired of                                        Binterested in
Cseparated from                                  Ddifferent from
解析:选C 根据上一句中的“in other countries可知,这些人“远离(separated from)他们的家人和文化。
6A.problem                                       Bresult
Ccause                                               Dinfluence
解析:选C 根据上一段中的“There are many reasons why people are lonely.可知,分离是导致孤独的一个主要“原因(cause)
7A.enemies                                       Blovers
Cbrothers                                           Dsisters
解析:选A 根据上一句中的“maybe the worst reason to feel lonely is rejection以及该段的语境可知,朋友可能会变成“敌人(enemies)
8A.consider                                       Bmention
Cwelcome                                          Drefuse
解析:选D 根据转折连词“But和“This kind of rejection可知,对方可能会“拒绝(refuse)和好的提议。
9A.disappears                                    Bhurts
Cstarts                                                Dspreads
解析:选B 根据常识可知,这种拒绝很“伤(hurts)人。
10A.get into                                      Bget through
Cexplain                                             Dunderstand
解析:选B 根据接下来的三段介绍应对孤独的办法可知,此处选get through
11A.know                                            Bdecide
Crealize                                              Dsuggest
解析:选D 专家“建议(suggest)人们应该有效利用时间。下文中的“Experts suggest为提示。
12A.long                                              Bnormal
Clonely                                              Dbusy
解析:选C 根据本句中的“to fight loneliness以及全文的语境可知,在“孤独的(lonely)时期,人们应该想方设法战胜孤独。
13A.new                                            Bfunny
Cstrange                                             Deasy
解析:选A 根据下文中的“join local interest groups和“learn new skills可知,战胜孤独的方法之一就是尝试“新的(new)事物。
14A.but                                               Band
Cbecause                                            Duntil
解析:选B “they get out of the house和“they can be around other people之间为并列关系,故填and
15A.cry                                               Bdrink
Ceat                                                     Dthink
解析:选D 根据下一句中的“people shouldn't think about their loneliness all the time可知,当人们独自一人时往往开始“胡思乱想(think too much)
16A.angry                                            Bsad
Cbored                                               Dweak
解析:选B 根据下一句“Thoughts like poor me make people unhappy.可知,如果人们一味地想自己的问题,就会变得“悲伤(sad)
17A.help                                            Battract
Cdiscover                                           Dprotect
解析:选A 根据该空后的“needy people可知,孤独的人可以做一些事情去“帮助(help)需要帮助的人。
18A.truth                                          Bcourage
Clove                                                 Dtrust
解析:选C 根据下文中的Love is the cure (疗法) for loneliness.可知,孤独的人应该给他人“关爱(love),这样一来,他们也会“停止(stop)想自己的问题。
19A.risk                                               Bkeep
Cprefer                                                Dstop
解析:选D 参见上题解析。
20A.feel                                               Bgive
Cfind                                                 Dreturn
解析:选B 根据“Instead of waiting to be loved和“Then we will receive a lot of love back.可知,我们首先需要“付出(give)爱。
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