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(外研版)新课改2020版高考一轮复习Module5NewspapersandMagazines单元话题语篇训练必修2(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小256 K
  • 更新时间2019/7/1 19:09:25
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Several years ago, my father took us to watch a World Series game. As we __1__ the stadium, we passed an open garage that led back into Yankee Stadium.I looked in and __2__ a bus.I stopped as my family __3__.When the garage door started going down __4__ I hit the ground, a notebook and a pen in hand, and rolled inside along with a few other kids.
As a stadium door opened, several __5__ came in the garage.They __6__ my notebook.I could feel my heart beat harder with each autograph. But where was Sandy, my favourite baseball player?
Finally, Sandy came in, __7__ he boarded the bus before I could get to him.So I climbed up the bus stairs and asked a player sitting in the front to pass my __8__ back to Sandy.It came back with his __9__.To my parents' great __10__ I was soon escorted (护送) out of the garage.I was floating in the air.The feeling of __11__ lasted for days.
With each new World Series season, I wonder what that day and those __12__ moments would have felt like if I hadn't been in it for __13__ but for the money that a sports star's signature might bring. I am so __14__ for that day, and for not knowing that an autograph could be worth anything more than a wonderful moment to be __15__ for a lifetime.
1A.entered                          Bleft
Creturned to                                        Dgot around
解析:选B 根据下文向棒球运动员索要签名可知,应是比赛结束离开(left)棒球场时。
2A.stopped                                          Bcaught
Cmissed                                              Dspotted
解析:选D 作者往车库里瞧了瞧,看到(spotted)一辆巴士。
3A.complained                                    Btalked
Cwalked on                                         Dset off
解析:选C 当家人继续往出口走(walked on)的时候作者停了下来。
4A.suddenly                                        Beventually
Crepeatedly                                         Dslowly
解析:选D 根据本空后“rolled inside可判断,当车库门缓缓(slowly)落下的时候,作者躺倒在地,和其他几个小孩一起滚了进去,手里拿着一本手册和一支笔。
5A.players                                           Bparents
Ckids                                                  Ddrivers
解析:选A 体育场的门打开了,几名运动员(players)进入车库。本段最后的player也是答案提示。
6A.noticed                                          Bsigned
Cignored                                             Dselected
解析:选B 根据本空后“with each autograph可判断,他们在作者的手册上签了名(signed)
7A.so                                                  Bbut
Cfor                                                   Das
解析:选B 最后Sandy终于出现了,但是(but)他在作者走近他之前就上了巴士。
8A.notebook                                        Bticket
Cpresent                                              Dbaseball
解析:选A 作者爬上了巴士,并让坐在前面的球员帮他把签名手册(notebook)传给Sandy。上文多处出现的“notebook也是提示。
9A.warning                                         Bsignature
Cnote                                                  Dencouragement
解析:选B 根据下文中“I was floating in the air.可判断,作者拿到了Sandy的签名(signature)
10A.delight                                         Bshame
Cregret                                               Drelief
解析:选D 作者进到车库的时候父母并不知情,所以令父母感到宽慰(relief)的是,作者被护送出了车库。
11A.adventure                                     Bsurprise
Csatisfaction                                        Danxiety
解析:选C 根据上文的描述可判断,作者拿到了Sandy的签名后,仿佛感到自己在空中漂浮,那种满足感(satisfaction)持续了好几天。
12A.precious                                       Bcritical
Cawkward                                           Dhistoric
解析:选A 每一个新赛季的到来,作者都会回想起那一天和那些珍贵的(precious)时刻,若是那天他不是因为热爱(love)而是为了钱而去索要签名的话会是一种什么感觉?
13A.memory                                       Blove
Cinspiration                                         Dcuriosity
解析:选B 参见上题解析。
14A.upset                                            Bsorry
Cgrateful                                             Dhungry
解析:选C 根据上下文的语境可判断,作者很感激(grateful)那一天,很庆幸他当时还不明白签名还有一些其他的用途。
15A.accumulated                                 Baccounted
Ctreated                                              Dpreserved
解析:选D 作者当时还不明白签名还有一些其他的用途,作者感激它让自己拥有了一个值得一生珍藏的(preserved)美妙瞬间。
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