British shoppers buy 2.15 million tonnes of clothing and shoes annually,yet UK citizens have an estimated £ 30 billion worth of unused clothing gatherin g dust at the back of the wardrobe (衣柜).But new technology could see the end of that,with the garments themselves giving owners a gentle reminder of their existence.
“Smart clothes”could help us clear out our wardrobes by sending messages or tweeting us if they haven't been worn for a good while.If these alerts are ignored,the garments will get in touch with a clothing charity and ask to be reused,with an organization automatically sending out donation information.They could also be programm ed to put themselves up for auction(拍卖) on eBay.
Academics at Birmingham City University are developing the “connected wardrobe” to encourage more suitable clothes consumption. The concept sees garments tagged (给……加标签) using washable contactless technology.
Mark Brill,senior lecturer at Birmingham City University,said,“Think of the surprise when an owner suddenly receives bids for items that they didn't know were in their wardrobe.”“The connected wardrobe is a