多个形容词修饰名词的排列顺序,可通过背诵以下顺口溜来记住它的用法。限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别紧挨着。其中限定词又分为前位、中位和后位限定词,而且不但顺序不能颠倒,并且还有互相排斥的特点。其顺口溜为:前位总括分倍数,中位所指不冠物,后位全是序基词,还有other, another和such。例如:My friend bought a splendid big white Canadian wooden house.
前位限定词是指:all, both, one third, twenty percent 等;中位限定词是指:one’s, this , that, these, those, either, neither, a, an the, my ,your;后位限定词是指:one, two,…the first, the second, other, another ,such其中为兼类词such,既是前位,又是后位限定词。例如:
all the first few days one of my old friends this book of mine these ten strong young Chinese students such a lovely girl One such book is enough.