More than 500 million sleeping pills are distributed in Britain every year.They can help in a crisis, but they interfere with natural sleep and reduce dreaming.Colleen Toomey talked to seven people who suffer from insomnia and manage without drugs, and asked them what they did when they couldn’t sleep.Some of the replies will surprise you...
Peter Geek, writer, entertainer
Age, 40; married, two children.“I watch It’s a Knockout—it puts me into a deep sleep.Watching television programmes about people trying to be me—that puts me to sleep.”
J.B.Priestley, writer
Age, 83; married to Jacquetta Hawkes, author and archaeologist (考古学家).“I’ve had a good deal of trouble in my time.Years and years ago I would write half the night, but I have given that up all together.Occasionally I will eat a digestive biscuit before going to bed.I think it helps to settle your stomach.A good deal of sleeplessness comes from stomach upsets, and the digestive biscuit will sometimes settle it.”
Erin Pizzey, founder of Chiswick Women’s Aid