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内蒙古包头市包钢四中2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试 英语试卷
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小607 K
  • 更新时间2016/2/28 23:32:02
    下载统计今日0 总计9
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内蒙古包头市包钢四中2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试 英语试卷
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分 ,满分30分)
Dear Laura,
Hi! I am Veronica, your new pen friend from Singapore. I got your name and address from the Making Pen Pals' Column in Buddies magazine and thought I'd write to you. Well, let me start by telling you something about myself. I am 13 years old and I am studying in secondary one at Westdove School. I have just finished my exams. I live with my parents and younger sister in a five room apartment. I like swimming, playing tennis and reading novels. I love the outdoors, especially the sea and I have been on several trekking (long and hard) tours abroad. I enjoy listening to both pop and classical music. My favorite food is pizza and I love making it myself because I like to make it with lots of cheese and pepper. To sum it up, I am a talkative, caring and patient person.
I guess life in London must be wonderful with all the interesting places and good food to enjoy. I'd love to see the famous Big Ben. I hope to visit London during one of my school holidays. Laura, I would really like to learn more about your culture and lifestyle. I hope you will write back. I have enclosed(附有) my address and telephone number. Please feel free to call me if you make a trip to Singapore. I think you should because it is a wonderful place to shop. Till then, good-bye.
Yours faithfully
Veronica 
21. Veronica writes the letter to Laura because she wants to ______.
A. tell something about her hometown B. know something about her
C. invite her to her country D. make friends with her
22. Veronica says she loves making pizza because ______.
A. there is no pizzas in Singapore
B. people can not buy fresh pizza in Singapore
C. she can make pizza to her own taste
D. she thinks it is cheap to make pizza

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