Unit 2 Wish you were here
Period 4 Grammar
编写者:宝应安宜高级中学 朱玲(高二)
本板块通过语法规则的 讲解与多种图示的呈现,让学生比较全面系统地掌握本单元的语法知识。讲解应通俗易懂,一目了然。板块中的语法练习尽量在语篇中完成。这样可以避免学生死抠语法,生搬硬套。语法训练所选用的材料和所设计的练习也尽可能地和本单元话题相联系。此外,还应注意拓展和延伸学生已学过的语法项目。
By the end of the class, the students will be able to
master the forms and the usage of future continuous tense and future in the past.
1. The comparison of the main usage between simple future tense and. future continuous tense.
2. The comparison of the main usage between simple future tense and future in the past.
Tell a story of a tortoise and a snail with the picture s shown on the screen. Talk with the whole class about the different forms of the simple future tense that are used in it.
From the reading passage in this unit, we’ve learned that Toby and Colin are going to have an adventure in Africa. Do you still remember their plans for the holiday?
1. (L13P22M2) We’ll be travelling by camel, with local guides, camping in tents.