单 元:Unit 3 Amazing people
板 块:Grammar and usage
Thoughts on the design:
本节课是语法教学课。以观察——发现——讨论——归纳——运用为主要教学模式,充分利用本单元语言素材,通过多种图示和语法规则的呈现,让学生比较全面系统地掌握过去完成时(Past perfect tense)的用法、一般过去时(Simple past tense)与过去完成时的用法区别及现在完成时(Present perfect tense)与过去完成时的用法区别。语法规则的归纳与讲解所选用的语言材料和所涉及的练习与本单元话题(Amazing people)相联系。力求让学生在语篇中灵活运用所掌握的语法规则,避免学生死抠语法,生搬硬套。
Teachi ng aims:
After learning this lesson, the students will be able to understand sentences in which the past perfect tense is used. They are also expected to distinguish the past perfect tense from the simple