单 元:Unit 1 The world of our senses
板 块:Welcome to the unit
本节课是听说教学课。在本课中,教师设计各种听说活动,鼓励学生就“五种感觉在自己学习生活中的重要性“展开广泛地讨论并大胆发表自己的观点。丰富多彩的图片展示,使学生从视觉上产生差异,从而促使他们讨论:“To see is to believe”是否绝对正确。最后通过残疾艺术家身残志坚,做出巨大成就的事例,使学生明白应该以积极热情的态度面对生活和学习。
Teaching aims:
1. Encourage students speak out to practice their oral English.
2. Arose their interest in learning this un it through activities.
3. Let them know the importance of senses in daily life.
Teaching Pro cedures:
Step1. Brainstorming (ppt 5-6)
Ask students the following questions:-