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阅读:272 次  我要评论(0)  收藏  2015/9/17 14:03:23

  (1) The point is that ... 重点/关键是…….
  例句:The point is that you have to keep your promise to help her with
  her English.关键是你得遵守诺言,帮她学习英语.
  (2) The chanceis that … 有可能……
  例:The chance is that he will succeed. 他很有可能成功。
  (3) The fact is that … 事实是……
  例:The fact is that he hasn’t yet recover from illness.
  (4) The problem/question is that … 问题是……
  例:The question is whether we should ask them for help.
  (5)That is ---
  例:That is where Lu Xun used to live. 这是鲁迅过去住过的地方。

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