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阅读:222 次  我要评论(0)  收藏  2015/8/31 16:05:15

  (1) must have done sth 一定做过某事 否定形式:can't have done
  例:She must have come here last night. 她一定是昨晚来的。
  She can't have gone there她不可能到那儿去。
  (2) may have done sth可能做过某事否定形式:may not have done
  例:Philip may have been hurt seriously in the car accident.
  Philip 可能在这次车祸中伤得很严重。
  (3) might have done sth 或许做过某事 否定形式: might not have done
  例:She might have known what the bottle contained.
  (4) should have done sth 估计已经做了某事
  否定形式:should not have done 例:She should have arrived in her office by now.她此刻估计已经到达办公室了。

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